Even in the quietest moment......................
(an extract from my journal I just thought I’d share, rather topical and seasonal)
Midnight and the house is so still and quiet and I’m looking out of my bedroom window just watching the snow falling – what a wonderful experience – how quiet and peaceful, how gentle and still, how beautiful!. I felt this was a very private moment. I felt very calm, very peaceful and serene – nothing moving, no sound, just the sight of the falling snow from the night sky.
I thought back to the many times I’ve stood at the same window watching the snow fall as a kid, excited, anticipating, hoping it would snow all night so tomorrow I could go sledging with my friends, snowballing , build a snowman and those memories made me smile.
How differently we view things as adults!?
I now appreciate the chaos and disruption it will cause for many tomorrow morning when people try to go about their normal daily business but for now looking out on this lovely scene it feels like something special like when I was a kid and I had a very warm feeling inside, I felt secure and safe and warm in my bedroom and it makes you put your life into perspective, all the stresses and strains of the last week just melted away. I realised looking out on that scene that for all our knowledge and intellect as human beings there is one being more powerful than any mortal and that is Mother Nature herself.
I now appreciate the chaos and disruption it will cause for many tomorrow morning when people try to go about their normal daily business but for now looking out on this lovely scene it feels like something special like when I was a kid and I had a very warm feeling inside, I felt secure and safe and warm in my bedroom and it makes you put your life into perspective, all the stresses and strains of the last week just melted away. I realised looking out on that scene that for all our knowledge and intellect as human beings there is one being more powerful than any mortal and that is Mother Nature herself.
I found this poem by an anonymous poet,
Falling Snow
A snowflake fell upon the ground,
And turned my frown into a smile.
And after all these years I’ve found,
That laughing can be still in style.
And turned my frown into a smile.
And after all these years I’ve found,
That laughing can be still in style.
When you’re a kid you love the snow.
You’re not sure why but it makes you glow.
When you’re a kid the world is yours.
It waits for you outside your doors.
You’re not sure why but it makes you glow.
When you’re a kid the world is yours.
It waits for you outside your doors.
But with time, as you grow,
You forget to enjoy the falling snow.
And so quick, it may seem,
That you’re changing so much, you forget to dream.
You forget to enjoy the falling snow.
And so quick, it may seem,
That you’re changing so much, you forget to dream.
Just stop, look around,
Make an angel on the ground.
Just stop, take time,
To find your rhythm and your rhyme.
Just stop…
Just stop…
Make an angel on the ground.
Just stop, take time,
To find your rhythm and your rhyme.
Just stop…
Just stop…
Hi Emily, you mentioned on my blog that there was a post of yours that you would like me to read, could you please indicate which one and i will read it and let you know what i think.
Hi Stephie, It was the "Journal Writing Experience - comments on Stephies blog" entry of 20th November. Hope your suggestions at school have made things a little easier to cope with the discipline issue but hope my blog lets you know you're not out there on your own, it may help - let me know!